Sunday, April 29, 2012

The New Old Lompoc's Last Day

We never frequented the New Old Lompoc on a regular basis, but when we read that it was closing to make way for a mixed-use building we decided it was only right to say goodbye properly. We end up there yesterday afternoon to do just that, which was the final day the doors would be open. It will be returning to the same location in 2013, but I can’t imagine it will have the same eclectic atmosphere that makes you feel like you’re not anywhere near NW 23rd. The New Old Lompoc has quite the history, which makes you love it even more. John Foyston of the Oregonian’s ‘The Beer Here’ sums up the New Old Lompoc’s past nicely:

I leave you with photos from the New Old Lompoc's final day.

Lompocalypse Double IPA brewed for the final days.

Friday, April 27, 2012

First Sip: Gravity Mountain Release at Concordia Ale House

We went to Concordia Ale House yesterday evening for the much anticipated Gravity Mountain Collaboration IPA release. The beer was a joint effort between brewmaster-minds, Matt Swihart of Double Mountain and Terminal Gravity’s Steve Carper.

When we stepped into Concordia around 7:15 we expected a large crowd. It was bustling, but there was certainly plenty of room to navigate. Our good friends had arrived prior and thankfully snagged a table. They were drinking what we came to try and said it was impressive. We ordered up a pitcher, which lagged a little due to a keg change. My mouth was getting antsy. The pitcher finally came and we immediately filled our pint glasses. Of course I poured our beers with a giant, foamy head. “Good job” I thought to myself as the others made fun of me. Bad Chris!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dining Out For Life: Do It Tomorrow!

The annual fundraiser, Dining Out For Life comes to Portland tomorrow (04-26-2012). You can help raise money for organizations that provide vital programs and services to thousands of individuals living HIV/AIDS just by eating or drinking. Where’s the ‘Easy Button’ for that?!

So easy a monkey can do it!
Here’s a list of restaurants participating in tomorrow's program:

Eyeluvbeer recommends the following if you enjoy craft beer:

Here's our post from last year's event at Saraveza:

'Finding Portland' = Amazing!

Well there is nothing about beer in the below video, I thought it was certainly worthy of being added to the annals of the Eyeluvbeer blog. Serious hats off to creators, Ben Canales, John Waller, Steve Engman, Blake Johnson who did an amazing job creating the time lapse photography masterpiece, ‘Finding Portland


Here’s an equally impressive video they created last year called ‘Finding Oregon


Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Blog!

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Blog! On April 20th, 2011 I wrote my first post:
Astoria Part I: Fort George Brewing

I plan on continuing the blog for years to come. It may be sporadic at times, but hey, I’m not getting paid to write. =) A big thank you goes out to the following folks:

  • You, if you’re reading this and occasionally browse though my posts.
  • Guest Bloggers, Mark and Brenda.
  • The amazing PBC (Portland Beer Community).
  • The intelligent and witty beer blogtress, The Pissed LiBEERian
  • My Fiancée for putting up with my blogging and beer adventures (she enjoys the adventure part though).
  • All the folks that have had us at their festivals.
  • Of course, anyone else that I forgot to mention.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sobriety Checkpoints?

Last weekend I went out with the boys for a few beers. One topic that came up in conversation was the use of sobriety checkpoints. Two of us, including myself came from an area where these were seen on a regular basis, especially on weekends. In case you don’t know what sobriety checkpoints are, our friends at Wikipedia do a nice job describing it:

Sobriety checkpoints or roadblocks involve law enforcement officials stopping every vehicle (or more typically, every nth vehicle) on a public roadway and investigating the possibility that the driver might be too impaired to drive. They are often set up late at night or in the very early morning hours and on weekends, at which time the proportion of impaired drivers tends to be the highest. Checkpoints are also often set near the exit points of public events, to prevent large numbers of drunk drivers from being released into traffic simultaneously from the event.”

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

American Badass Beer, Kid Rock and Guy Fieri

Last night I caught an episode of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives featuring Kid Rock. Kid Rock led host Guy Fieri to several places he enjoys in the Detroit area when he’s not out on the road performing. One of which was Michigan Brewing Company where he has his own beer brewed, American Badass. I thought the episode was entertaining, plus it showed another example of Kid Rock giving back to the community by generating more jobs.

Here’s the clip: