Saturday, January 19, 2013

Eyeluvbeer Receives $100,000 Donation!

To my surprise an anonymous donor made a $100,000 donation to Eyeluvbeer. The money order arrived today. I was in shock when I opened the envelope and extremely overwhelmed by the generosity of the person(s) that made the kind contribution. They sent a note along with their donation stating the following:

Dear Eyeluvbeer:

We love your shit! You make some kickass beer t-shirts, stickers and brew bags. Thanks for spreading the beer love!


I’m not certain what I’ll do with all the money, but I know I’ll be buying everyone a round this evening at Bridgetown Beerhouse's 4th Anniversary Party!


  1. Tracy the pissed liBEERianFebruary 1, 2013 at 5:25 PM

    Holy S#^$ dude, that is awesome!!! Maybe you can use it to travel more and sell product. And by 'travel' I mean Tacoma. ;)

    Good for you guys!

  2. Tracy, you do know that just about everything I say in this blog is made-up and untrue. =) Tacoma soon!
