Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year: Looking Back / Looking Ahead

A leap year typically occurs every 4 years, so I thought I better post a few words out in cyberspace to commemorate this semi-special occasion. I think about the time span most when I hear leap year. Over 4 years a lot shit goes down. Personally, I got engaged, my Uncle passed, my Grandma turned 90, my doctor checked my colon with her finger, I went to Mexico, traveled to Dubai, my dog’s health began deteriorating, I started this Eyeluvbeer thing, struggled like hell through these hard economic times, had a wicked spell of Vertigo, bought a bicycle, sold my motorcycle, did the naked bike ride, fractured my foot, etc. Today, maybe take a moment to think about what has happened to you over the past 4 years and what you can accomplish before our next leap year in 2016.



  1. the pissed liBEERianFebruary 29, 2012 at 5:42 PM

    Well tell me Mr. EyeLuvBeer... what are YOU hoping to accomplish before the next Leap Day? Sounds like you had a very interesting year my friend!

  2. That is a good question Miss Pissed LiBEERian! =)
